Dear Intrepid Family, We hope you and your families are all hanging in there and remain Strong during these very difficult times we are all experiencing! With the world at a standstill and negativity surrounding us, we are thrilled to announce Intrepid Artists International’s inaugural Virtual Music Festival… “A Unity Celebration with Friends” to take place July 10-11. We hope that it will be something that music lovers around the globe can all enjoy, at the same time hopefully help our cause a little. We are looking to raise money through private sponsorship and donations to help pay for health insurance for the Intrepid employees and their families. On top of this, 20% of net proceeds will be donated to the Blues Foundation COVID19 Fund. The event will be FREE but we hope that those who are able will pitch in to help our cause. Our artists have all gotten together and donated their services and time to make this happen for us and we could not be more grateful to them. Intrepid has ALWAYS been a family and been there for each other and now is no different. We are blessed to work for all the fine artists that Intrepid represents! Not only will we have music from approx 4:00 PM to Midnight each day BUT we will also be auctioning off a STUNNING Custom Olympus Guitar that was made especially for the Intrepid 25th Anniversary Celebration last year. There will be giveaways, merchandise packages and opportunities to bid on Zoom Guitar Lessons with some of the Intrepid Artists as well as one on one Zoom Meetings with some of the Intrepid artists and much more! While this event is geared to help raise money to help cover health insurance costs it will be streamed FREE across Facebook and other platforms and we hope that you can join in on the fun and help us with this very worthy cause. We are ready to get back to doing what we all LOVE and Thank you in advance for joining us for some Fun and Great Music on July 10-11. See you there. This event will be presented in conjunction with our dear friends at Blues Radio Int’l and Datflys Concert Videos. Please check back here for further information! Best, Team Intrepid |